Plumbing Fixtures - T&S Brass & Bronze Works EC-HYDROGEN-LF

The EC-HYDROGEN-LF low-flow hydrogenerator from T&S Brass & Bronze Works cleanly and sustainably powers sensor faucets with flow rates between 0.5 and 1.0 gpm. A self-sustaining power solution, hydrogenerators employ an internal turbine to harness the flow of water, generating and storing power to operate sensor faucets and eliminating the need for hardwire or batteries. By providing their own clean, renewable power source, these easy-to-install devices reduce maintenance, improve reliability and increase sustainability. It enables facilities to further conserve water and energy and can help meet low-flow LEED requirements. It requires only 10 activations per day with a minimum of both 0.5 gpm and 20 psi to maintain charge and provides up to 10 years of battery life. 800-476-4103;


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