The Eagle 200 midsize trailer jetter series from Jetters Northwest is available in 12 gpm/3,000 psi (model Eagle-200/3012) with 1/2-inch I.D. jet hose or the 9 gpm/4,000 psi (model Eagle-200/4009) with 3/8-inch I.D. jet hose. It comes with either a Kawasaki (liquid-cooled) or Kohler (air-cooled) fuel-injected engine, an industrial-duty trailer with brakes for safety, and an A-frame tongue that allows it to be towed when full of water. Flat-top fenders allow for additional mounting-surface. Chrome wheels give it a sharp appearance. It comes with a super-duty triplex UDOR U.S.A. pump, 12-volt power-wind hose reel with wind-speed controller, 200-gallon water tank, large 60-inch lockable tool storage bin, 300 feet of jetting hose on the main 12-volt reel, 100 feet of 3/4-inch water-supply hose on a second reel, adjustable pulsation control, and four jetting nozzles. 877-901-1936;
Trailer Jetters - Jetters Northwest Eagle 200
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