Instant Hot Water Solutions Appeal to Residential Customers and Help Grow Business

Introducing your customers to the comfort and convenience of instant hot water

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Waiting for hot water is a consistent frustration for many homeowners. No matter the location of the water heater in a residence, the amount of time it takes to bleed cold water from the line wastes time, water and money. The average household wastes up to 12,000 gallons of drinkable water per year just waiting for hot water. This is equivalent to 90,000-plus 17 oz. plastic water bottles per family, per year poured down the drain.

With less than 1% of Earth’s water being readily accessible for human use, water is too precious to waste. APCOM recirculation systems provide instant hot water, diminishing those 12,000 gallons of water waste. Offering customers a recirculation system solves this issue while generating additional sales for your business.

Why recirculation pumps matter to customers 

Comfort, convenience and savings are all key reasons that customers choose to install a recirculation system. After install, customers immediately notice the difference.

“The pump is working great,” says Rick M. from Austin, Texas. “We’ve been in this home almost seven years and this is the first time we haven’t had to wait three minutes for hot water (and I timed that before putting in the pump). The way they build houses here in Austin, the pumps really help when temperatures dip into the 30s.” 

Recirculation systems can bring value to your customer, regardless of local climate or temperature.

Rich installed a recirculation system in his Florida home and saw an immediate reduction in his wait time for hot water, “so much so that I am having one installed in my home in Warwick, Rhode Island.”

Other customers appreciate the ease of installation and operation.

After his install, Keith commented that his system was “easy to install, quiet as a mouse.” He went on to say, “The girlfriend is extremely happy. It’s a win, win, win.”

Selling a solution

At your next water heater repair or install, offer the comfort and convenience of an APCOM recirculation system that saves time, money and the environment. Once your customers experience the convenience of instant hot water, they’ll never want to wait again. Each system is fully automatic and controlled by built-in sensors and switches. When the water at the faucet cools down, the sensor turns on the pump. The pump shuts off when the hot water arrives. Depending on the length and size of the pump, it will run three to four times per hour for one to two minutes to maintain instant hot water at the faucet. APCOM recirculation systems are the most energy-efficient circulators available on the market today. The operating costs are minimal, varying from $2 to $8 per year for the largest system. The pumps pay for themselves within one to three years, contingent on local utility rates. 

The right system matters

Every APCOM recirculation system kit comes with all the fittings needed for a proper and quick install. It is recommended that different models be used for water heater tank and tankless applications. For homes that use a single pipe (one-pipe or point-of-use) system to deliver hot water to the sinks and showers, the water in the pipe turns cold when no one uses hot water. This application requires recirculation pumps that are installed under the sink furthest from the water heater. For homes with a dedicated return line (two-pipe) system where a pipe runs from the furthest sink from the heat source back to the hot water tank, boiler or tankless water heater, it’s best to use the system that installs at the heat source.

With solutions for every residential configuration, APCOM recirculation systems can be easily and quickly installed during repair or new water heater installation, with complete solutions ranging from a $250 to $400 cost to the customer.

APCOM is now offering special incentives for contractors when they install a new recirculation system and marketing resources to help educate and inform your customers on the savings and benefits of instant hot water. For more information visit


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