Preventing Clogged Pumps for Over 40 Years

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Preventing Clogged Pumps for Over 40 Years

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The 30K and 40K Open Channel Muffin Monster sewage grinders have been providing peace of mind to sewage collections and treatment plant operators for over 40 years. JWC Environmental has refined its design in that time to offer wastewater professionals the ultimate solution to cut down troublesome solids and rags that can clog pumps, valves and treatment equipment causing costly damage and excessive repairs.

The 30K Muffin Monster sewage grinders are the workhorses of collections systems covering flows from 370 to 5,620 gpm. The 40K Muffin Monster sewage grinders are the even stronger version with robust 2 1/2-inch hex shafts, larger cutters and a standard 10 hp drive motor. The 40K is for the highest solids loading environments like prisons and combined sewer pumps stations.

Both Open Channel Muffin Monsters are engineered to fit within wastewater channels or to be affixed onto wet well walls at pump station inlets. In wet well installations, stainless steel mounting frames are designed and fabricated for your unique installation needs. All Muffin Monster grinders have two rows of hardened steel cutters that rotate at slow speed and with incredibly high-torque to grind down large solids into small particles. 

30K Muffin Monsters are also available with Wipes Ready technologies which are specifically designed for shredding wipes and rags. The Wipes Ready cutters shred rags and disposable wipes into small pieces that will not weave back together and form long ropes so pumps are protected from damaging clogs and unplanned downtime.


  • Prevent unplanned maintenance from pump station clogs
  • Eliminate pump station trash baskets and the constant manual and smelly clean-outs required
  • Clear pipes and pumps mean shorter run cycles and lower electrical costs
  • Grinding separates organic material from trash making cleaner screenings


  • Dual shafted, slow-speed, high-torque grinder easily shreds the toughest debris, including rocks, wood, wipes, hair, clothing, plastic and other debris
  • Wipes Ready Technology available which prevents materials from forming long strips and reweaving in the waste stream
  • Automated monitoring and controls to optimize performance and protect against jams


  • 30K units for channels up to 12 inches wide and flows from 370 to 5,620 gpm
  • 40K units for channels up to 20 inches wide and flows from 915 to 2,100 gpm

Monster Quick Ship

If you need your Muffin Monster fast, the 30K Open Channel Muffin Monsters are now available with the Monster Quick Ship. Click here to learn more about Monster Quick Ship.


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