Advantages of Waterjetting to Clear Drains

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Advantages of Waterjetting to Clear Drains

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Drainline water jetters are engineered to clear blocked or stopped up drains more efficiently than cable machines. 

The jetter, used in conjunction with an inspection camera, will provide you with not only an unblocked drain but also the cause (if visible) of the problem to try to ensure future blockages will not happen. A high-pressure, hot-water jetter with properly drilled jetter nozzles works by inserting the nozzle of the jetter into an access point of the blocked drain, sewer or downpipes. High-pressure water sent through the drain can completely strip all the FOG buildup and residue off the pipe sides while flushing out any foreign objects or roots (with a proper root nozzle) that may be blocking the pipes.

Environmentally friendly

Unlike conventional snake-type cleaners that break up debris and leave debris behind only to re-clog later, waterjetting removes the clog completely and safely, preventing self-healing clogs of substances such as grease from reforming. By only using water to break up the blockage, it ensures that no harmful chemicals are going down the drain and into the water treatment plant. HotJet USA integrated a hot water jetting system that has taken jetting to another level in efficiency and cleanliness.

Highly effective at clearing blocked drains

High-pressure waterjetting is more efficient than many other drain cleaning methods. It has the ability to penetrate deeper into built-up debris (especially with hot water), and flush out roots, rocks, minerals and any other obstructions that can clog up and get caked onto pipes. With the use of a cable machine, debris within the sewer line is cut by a steel spring cable jumping and bouncing around in an attempt to penetrate the blockages; however, in doing so it has the potential to damage the pipes without fully clearing the blockage. Debris can be left behind. A high-pressure water jetter will not only clear the blockage, but it will also push the remaining debris into the main sewer line to ensure there are no further blockages.

Advantages of hot water

Jetting with hot water is proven to clean the pipes better and faster. Hot water is especially effective on FOG buildup and will soften “scale” buildups.

For more information about jetting advantages please visit or call 800-624-8186.


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