Camera System Detects, Alerts About Unsafe Driving Habits

Dual-camera monitoring system dramatically reduces driver distractions for Texas contractor

Camera System Detects, Alerts About Unsafe Driving Habits

The DriveCam driver-video system from Lytx is mounted just below the rearview mirror and can record both the driver and what is happening in front of the car simultaneously. Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Electrical has the system installed on all 150 vehicles in its fleet. (Photo courtesy of Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Electrical)

Technicians at Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Electrical are now significantly less prone to distractions while driving than they were earlier this year — a trend that’s saving the Houston-based company money and generally improving driver safety.

The reason? An in-cab...

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